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Chapter 1 My Grandfather is the Richest

     It was a night in a boy's dormitory in DH First School.
     "Fraser Lee, come and take my foot water."
     After hearing that, Fraser did not have the slightest hesitation and immediately come over to take the foot wash water of Patrick.
     "Wait a minute, wash my socks, too. They stink for days without washing." No sooner Fraser picked up the foot wash basin that Patrick said.
     Fraser picked up Patrick's smelly socks, walked into the dormitory bathroom and got started.
     Not only did he have to wash Patrick's socks, but also the other roommates' uniforms, shoes, underwear...
     "Patrick Scott, you have been going further and further. What do you think Fraser is? He is your roommate, not your servant." Tyler Chou, the lead could not take it anymore and accused Patrick.
     "Tyler, I am helping him. He is short of money, isn't he? I'll give him the money." Patrick smiled disapprovingly.
     "Isn't that right, Fraser Lee?" Patrick shouted at Fraser in the bathroom.
     "Yes, thank you for taking care of my business, Patrick." Fraser turned his head to show his smile and replied gratefully.
     Seeing here, Tyler could only shook his head and sighed.
     Since his parents' disappearance, Fraser had had to do laundry, do homework and run errands to earn his own living and school fees.
     Not long after, Tyler went into the bathroom and said, "Fraser, if you are short of money, I can lend you money."
     "No, thank you." Fraser didn't want to live on the handouts of other people. Besides, borrowed money should be paid back one day.
     Tyler saw Fraser's mind, "It's ok, you don't need to hurry to pay me back. You can pay me back when you graduate."
     Fraser smiled bitterly, "Tyler, it if far from graduation now."
     Tyler shook his head again and went back to his bed.
     "Tyler, don't worry about. You know Fraser's situation. How much can you help?" said Stefan Chang, the oldest person in the dormitory.
     "Yes, if it weren't for us, he'd have problem eating or drinking." Patrick said in a face of pride.
     When Fraser had finished everything and was getting ready for bed, Stefan said, "Fraser, I want to take a smoke. Buy me a pack of cigarettes, same as before."
     Fraser looked puzzled, "It's eleven o'clock now and the school gate is closed."
     "Don't talk nonsense. I'll give you ten dollars more. Will you go?" Stefan threw the money on the ground and said angrily.
     "Then I'll go over the wall."
     Fraser picked up the money on the floor and walked out of the dormitory.
     "I think Fraser is willing to east shit as long as you give him money." As soon as Fraser walked out of the dormitory, he heard Patrick laughing at him.
     "Yes. If I were him, I would rather die. Why should I live in this world in disgrace?" Stefan chimed in.
     When Fraser heard this, he clenched his fist in shame and indignation.
     But after a moment Fraser was relieved. They were right that he was a poor man without dignity.
     He came to a supermarket which ran in the middle of night. When Fraser was about to leave after buying cigarettes, a man and a woman walked into the supermarket.
     The woman glanced at Fraser with a complicated emotion in her eyes. She wanted to say something, but turned her head aside and pretended not to see Fraser.
     This woman was called Luna Cooper, Fraser's neighbor. She was a beautiful girl in DH First School.
     In the past, Fraser had a rich family and studied well. Back them Luna had been always following Fraser. The two families got along well with each other, so they got engagement when they were young.
     And the male beside Luna was Filip Gallagher, Fraser's classmate, who was a rich second generation. The BMW that stopped at the gate of supermarket was his.
     "Boss, get me a box of Durex." Filip shouted at the top of his voice.
     Luna blushed and was embarrassed in front of Fraser, "Filip, I have a stomach ache, or we'd better take a rain check."
     "Son of bitch, is it because of this boy?" Filip turned his head and pointed to Fraser.
     "Do you think I don't know about you two, but that's the past." Filip's face darkened, and he asked Luna, "What is it? Do you still miss him?"
     Luna shook her head and denied, "How will I miss a poor boy?"
     "I really have a stomach ache."
     "It is weird. You were fine just now. Probably seeing someone made your stomach sick." In order to please Filip, Luna said mercilessly.
     "Haha, I feel sick to see him too."
     Filip laughed and slapped on Fraser, "Get away, didn't you hear my girlfriend discredit you disgusting?"
     Fraser bit his teeth and looked at Filip coldly.
     Filip looked stunned for a moment and then kicked Fraser in the stomach, "How dare you stare at me? You don't give a damn?"
     "Filip, stop that." Luna tried to stop him.
     "Why, do you feel distressed?"
     "No. I just don't think we need to mind a poor guy." Luna shook her head.
     Filip snorted and took a box of Durex from the supermarket owner's hand, and said, "Luna, tonight I don't care whether you are in period or stomach pain. You provoked my fire, do you still want to run away?"
     "Fraser, remember, stay away from Luna from now on. Otherwise I will beat you once I see you again." Before leaving, Filip said to Fraser with malicious words.
     After wiping the footprints on his clothes, Fraser climbed over the wall and returned to his dormitory.
     Fraser came back late and was scolded by Stefan.
     Lying face down in the quilt, Fraser could not resist but cried all night biting the quilt.
     When Fraser woke up the next morning with his pillow still wet, he found more than 30 missed calls on his phone.
     "Why are they all foreign Numbers?"
     Fraser looked at it and suspected that it was a swindler.
     "There are also short messages. The amount entered into your account with the last number 911 is 1000000. 00 yuan and the balance is 1000325. 00 yuan." Fraser read and sure it was a swindler.
     At this point, Fraser withdrew the money he earned from WeChat.
     The mobile phone rang and Fraser was stunned.
     "Agricultural Bank of China, November 12, X, 07:14, the amount entered into your account with the last number 911 is 300. 00 yuan, and the balance is 1000625. 00 yuan."
     The number of the entry information of one million yuan was the same as that of three hundred yuan.
     If it were a swindler, he would not know Fraser's bank balance.
     In other words, the entry information of one million dollars was true.
     Thinking of this, Fraser got up like crazy and ran out of the school.
     At the door of an ATM, Fraser inserted his card and entered the password with trembling fingers.
     "I must have been dreaming." Seeing the balance of more than one million yuan, Fraser shook his head. He could not believe what he saw.
     That strange number called again. Fraser did not hesitate and immediately pressed the answer key.
     "Fraser..." A familiar voice came from the other end of the line.
     "Dad? Is... Is that you?" Fraser's hands trembled even more.
     "Yes, it's me. How have you been these years since your mother and I were away? You must have suffered a lot. I just transferred you a million. If it is not enough, I will transferred more to you. Since we have not met for many years, do you miss us?" Fraser's father asked in succession.
     After confirming that the man was his father, Fraser immediately knelt on the ground and cried like a dog, leaning against an ATM, holding his mobile phone in one hand and wiping his tears in the other.
     "I... miss... you guys."
     "Well, well, boy, it's been hard on you these years, but don't hate me. Hate your grandpa. It was his idea..."
     Fraser interrupted his father and said, "Wait a minute, isn't my grandfather already dead?"
     "No. I wish he died earlier, I only lied to you for three years, but he cheated me for more than ten years... Three years ago, the old man took me home. He not only told me he was still alive, but also said that he was the richest man in Dubai. The old man was wicked and faked his death."
     "Dubai's richest man?"
     "Who is the old man you are talking about? I will kill you." There was fighting and screaming on the other end of the line.
     But vaguely, Fraser heard his father shouted: John Lee, if you hit me again, I will disown our relationship with you.
     John Lee? Wasn't he the richest man in Asia? How did he become Dubai's richest man?
     Wait a minute! My grandfather is the richest man??

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